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Using Surfsky with DataDome Protected Sites

Surfsky provides robust capabilities for handling DataDome protected websites. Our solution includes:

  • Automatic browser fingerprint randomization
  • Proxy rotation support
  • Optional captcha solving integration

When working with DataDome, CAPTCHAs most often appear due to proxy usage and/or repetitive and suspicious actions. To avoid this, you can use CAPTCHA solving services like 2Captcha. This requires an API key. You can either use your own key or contact our team for assistance. If you prefer to work without a CAPTCHA solver, you must strictly follow these measures:

  • Use only the highest quality proxies, preferably residential or mobile
  • If you're making requests without delays and real action emulation, you need to rotate proxies every 3-5 requests
  • When increasing delays by several seconds and emulating real user actions, the number of possible requests increases

If you use a CAPTCHA solver, after completing the CAPTCHA and receiving DataDome cookies, it becomes possible to make over 25 requests.


To use Surfsky, you'll need:

  1. API Key - A unique authentication token for accessing our services
  2. Assigned Hostname - Your dedicated Surfsky endpoint
  3. Proxies - Proxies in the format:
    Supported protocols: HTTP, HTTPS, SOCKS5, SSH
  4. 2Captcha Key (Optional) - If you want to enable automatic captcha solving.

To obtain your API key and hostname, please contact our team.

If you need proxies, please contact our team.

Captcha Solving

By default, captcha solving is disabled. To enable it:

  1. Set SOLVE_CAPTCHA = True in your code
  2. Get an API key from
  3. Set your 2captcha API key in the CAPTCHA_KEY variable

Alternatively, you can contact our support team for custom captcha solving solutions.

Code Examples

Here are complete examples showing how to handle DataDome protected sites with proxy rotation and optional captcha solving:

First, install the required packages:

pip install playwright requests httpx beautifulsoup4 uuid

Here's a complete example for handling DataDome protected sites:

from datetime import datetime
import re
import uuid

import httpx
import asyncio
from playwright.async_api import async_playwright, Page, Browser
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup



def generate_proxy() -> str:
"""Generate a proxy string with a new random SID"""
proxy_sid = str(uuid.uuid4().hex)
return f"socks5://username:password@host:port" # Replace with your proxy details

class DataDomeIPBannedException(Exception):
"""Raised when DataDome has banned the IP address (t=bv in captcha URL)"""

class DataDomeCaptchaException(Exception):
"""Raised when there's an issue with the captcha solving process"""

class DataDomeCaptchaSolver:
def __init__(self, api_key: str):
self.api_key = api_key

def format_proxy_string(self, proxy_string: str) -> dict:
regex = r'^(socks5|http|https):\/\/([^:]+):([^@]+)@([^:]+):(\d+)$'
match = re.match(regex, proxy_string)

if not match:
raise ValueError('Invalid proxy string format')

protocol, login, password, host, port = match.groups()

return {
"proxyType": protocol,
"proxyAddress": host,
"proxyPort": port,
"proxyLogin": login,
"proxyPassword": password

async def solve(self, page: Page, url: str, proxy: str) -> None:
captcha_url = await self.maybe_get_captcha_url(page)

if not captcha_url:
print("DataDome captcha not found")

print("Found captcha. Trying to solve...")
print("captcha_url:", captcha_url)

# Check if IP is banned
if 't=bv' in captcha_url:
raise DataDomeIPBannedException("IP is banned by DataDome (t=bv). Need to change IP address.")

if 't=fe' not in captcha_url:
raise DataDomeCaptchaException("Expected t=fe in captcha URL")

user_agent = await self.get_user_agent(page)
proxy_obj = self.format_proxy_string(proxy)

task_id = await self.create_datadome_task(url, captcha_url, user_agent, proxy_obj)
print("2captcha taskId: ", task_id)

solution_cookies = await self.get_task_result(task_id)
print("2captcha solutionCookies: ", solution_cookies)

await self.set_cookies(page, solution_cookies)

await page.reload(wait_until='networkidle')

async def set_cookies(self, page: Page, solution_cookies: str) -> None:
"""Set cookies from "solution_cookies" string"""
await page.evaluate(f'''() => {{
document.cookie = `{solution_cookies}`;
print("Cookies set")

async def maybe_get_captcha_url(self, page: Page) -> str:
return await page.evaluate('''() => {
const frame = document.querySelector('iframe[src*=""]');
return frame ? frame.src : null;

async def get_user_agent(self, page: Page) -> str:
return await page.evaluate('() => navigator.userAgent')

async def create_datadome_task(self, website_url: str, captcha_url: str, user_agent: str, proxy_obj: dict) -> str:
task_data = {
"type": "DataDomeSliderTask",
"websiteURL": website_url,
"captchaUrl": captcha_url,
"userAgent": user_agent,
"proxyType": proxy_obj["proxyType"],
"proxyAddress": proxy_obj["proxyAddress"],
"proxyPort": proxy_obj["proxyPort"],
"proxyLogin": proxy_obj["proxyLogin"],
"proxyPassword": proxy_obj["proxyPassword"]

data = {
"clientKey": self.api_key,
"task": task_data

async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client:
response = await'', json=data)
response_data = response.json()
return response_data["taskId"]

async def get_task_result(self, task_id: str) -> str:
while True:
await asyncio.sleep(5)

async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client:
response = await client.get('', params={
"key": self.api_key,
"action": "get",
"id": task_id

result = response.text

if result == 'CAPCHA_NOT_READY':
print('2captcha task not ready yet. Waiting...')


if not result.startswith('OK|'):
raise Exception(f"Failed to get 2captcha result: {result}")

return result.split('|')[1]

class SurfskyBrowser:
def __init__(self, playwright, proxy: str):
self.playwright = playwright
self.proxy = proxy
self.browser: Browser | None = None Page | None = None

async def setup(self) -> None:
"""Initialize browser and page"""
cdp_url = await self._start_browser()
print(f"Connecting to browser at {cdp_url}")

self.browser = await self.playwright.chromium.connect_over_cdp(cdp_url)
context = self.browser.contexts[0] if self.browser.contexts else await self.browser.new_context() = context.pages[0] if context.pages else await context.new_page()
print("Browser setup complete")

async def _start_browser(self) -> str:
"""Initialize and start a browser session"""
url = ""
headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"X-Cloud-Api-Token": CLOUD_API_TOKEN
data = {
"browser_settings": {
"inactive_kill_timeout": 60,
"fingerprint": {
"os": "mac"
if self.proxy:
data["proxy"] = self.proxy

async with httpx.AsyncClient(timeout=60) as client:
response = await, headers=headers, json=data)
data = response.json()
devtools_url = data["inspector"]["pages"][0]["devtools_url"]
print("Devtools URL:\n", devtools_url)
return data["ws_url"]

async def close(self) -> None:
"""Safely close browser"""
if self.browser:
await self.browser.close()
print("Browser closed successfully")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error closing browser: {str(e)}")

class UseCase:
"""Use case for scraping websites with DataDome handling"""

def __init__(self, browser: SurfskyBrowser, solver: DataDomeCaptchaSolver, solve_captcha: bool = False):
self.browser = browser
self.solver = solver
self.solve_captcha = solve_captcha

async def execute(self, url: str) -> bool:
"""Execute the scraping use case for a single URL"""
if not
raise RuntimeError("Browser not initialized")

await self._navigate_to_page(url)
await self._handle_captcha(url)
await self._save_screenshot()
# Here you can add more specific scraping logic
# await self._extract_reviews()
return True

except DataDomeIPBannedException as e:
print(f"IP banned at URL {url}: {str(e)}")
return False
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error processing URL {url}: {str(e)}")
return True # Non-IP-ban errors considered "successful"

async def _navigate_to_page(self, url: str) -> None:

html = await
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')
print(f"Page title: {soup.title.string}")

async def _handle_captcha(self, url: str) -> None:
"""Handle DataDome captcha if present"""
if not self.solve_captcha:
print("Captcha solving disabled, skipping...")
await self.solver.solve(, url, self.browser.proxy)

async def _save_screenshot(self) -> None:
"""Save screenshot of the current page"""
ts ="%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
screenshot_filename = f"screenshot_{ts}.png"
print(f"Screenshot saved as {screenshot_filename}")

class DataDomeScraper:
def __init__(self, solve_captcha: bool = SOLVE_CAPTCHA):
self.browser: SurfskyBrowser | None = None
self.solver = DataDomeCaptchaSolver(CAPTCHA_KEY)
self.solve_captcha = solve_captcha

async def _rotate_browser(self, playwright) -> None:
"""Rotate browser: close existing and create new one"""
# Close existing browser if any
if self.browser:
await self.browser.close()
print("Previous browser closed successfully")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error closing previous browser: {str(e)}")
self.browser = None

# Create new browser
proxy = generate_proxy()
print(f"Creating new browser")
self.browser = SurfskyBrowser(playwright, proxy)
await self.browser.setup()
print("New browser setup completed")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Failed to create new browser: {str(e)}")
self.browser = None

async def process_url(self, playwright, url: str) -> bool:
"""Process single URL with browser management"""
if not self.browser:
await self._rotate_browser(playwright)

use_case = UseCase(self.browser, self.solver, self.solve_captcha)
return await use_case.execute(url)

except DataDomeIPBannedException:
print(f"IP banned, rotating browser...")
await self._rotate_browser(playwright)
return False

except Exception as e:
print(f"Unexpected error during URL processing: {str(e)}")
await self._rotate_browser(playwright)

async def process_urls(urls: list[str], solve_captcha: bool = True) -> None:
"""Main function to process all URLs"""
remaining_urls = urls.copy()

async with async_playwright() as p:
scraper = DataDomeScraper(solve_captcha)

while remaining_urls:
url = remaining_urls[0]
success = await scraper.process_url(p, url)
if success:
print(f"Processed URL {url}. Remaining: {len(remaining_urls)}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error processing URL {url}: {str(e)}")
await scraper._rotate_browser(p) # Ensure clean state after error

print("All URLs processed")

if __name__ == "__main__":
# Example URLs
urls = [
# Change to your target URL
# Use global SOLVE_CAPTCHA setting, solve_captcha=SOLVE_CAPTCHA))

Important Notes

  • Always remember to close the browser when you're done to release your session limit
  • Inactive sessions are automatically closed after 30 seconds (configurable via inactive_kill_timeout)
  • One time profile is used only once and then deleted
  • A proxy is required and must be passed to the create_profile function
  • You can run multiple sessions according to your subscription plan's session limit
  • If captcha solving is enabled, the system will attempt to solve DataDome captchas automatically

For more advanced usage and error handling, check out our API Reference.